Abidar : abider is a mountain to the East of Sanandaj, Kurdistan Province, Iran with 2,550 feet (780 m) elevation. This mountain is the place where the residents of Sanandaj go hiking and has many beautiful parks like "Amirieh" Jungle Park.
This picture shows the most popular mount in Sanandaj, I walked here for the first time when I was 2 years old. With this picture I want to show the symbol of my city. These symbols that I want to show it are: Azadi square the main square in town and it is the symbol of freedom and The Abider, symbol of strength of our people. At the bottom of the picture I want to show some of my culture, like Kurdish dance, the Kurdish carpet and some accent drawing on the wall. Finally I want to mention the symbolic thing in this picture
1-rectangular marquee tool
2-magnetic lasso tools
3-magic wand tool
4-brush tool
5-eraser tool
6-blur tool
7-smudge tool
8-burn tool
9-filter>>blur>>gaussian blur
11-paint bucket tool
12-shape tools
Kurdish dance: Kurdish dance is a group of traditional hand-holding dances similar to those from the Balkans, Lebanon and East European countries. It is a form of round dancing, with a single or a couple of figure dancers often added to the geometrical centre of the dancing circle. According to the Encyclopedia of Islam, Kurds sing and dance in all of their festivals, birthdays, NeW Years, Newroz, marriage and other ceremonies. It’s noteworthy that these folkloric dances are mixed-gender which distinguishes the Kurds from a few other neighboring Muslim populations.
Kurdish rug: Kurdish rugs are rugs woven by the Kurdish people in the Middle East, predominantly the larger Kurdistan region including the Eastern part of Turkey near the Tauros Mountains, Iraq, southernmost Caucasus, Soviet Armenia and North-Western Iran.When referring to Kurdish rugs within the rug industry, one is referring to those made within Iranian Kurdistan. The traditional Kurdish Rug uses Kurdish symbols. It is possible to read the dreams, wishes and hopes of the rug maker from the sequence of symbols used.
1-rectangular marquee tool
2-magnetic lasso tools
3-magic wand tool
4-brush tool
5-eraser tool
6-blur tool
7-smudge tool
8-burn tool
9-filter>>blur>>gaussian blur
11-paint bucket tool
12-shape tools
14-filter>>render>>lense flare